Midway Museum

Books are sold at the Midway Museum’s bookstore (same hours as the Museum). Because this is a unique selection, and many of the books are no longer easily findable on the market, prices and availability vary. To order books sent to you, call the Museum during business hours at 912-884-5837 or use our book list (here) to send an inquiry email to our staff. 

St. Catherine’s Island: the Untold Story of People and Places (by George Armelagos and John Toby Woods)

“Colonel’s Island native John Toby Woods Jr. and George J. Armelagos, a professor of anthropology at Emory University, have published a fantastic 300-page book they spent eight years working on. “St. Catherines Island—The Untold Story of People and Place” lets readers see a previously unrevealed look at the island. The book was written using Woods’ memories of events, his father’s daybooks, court records, census tracts, slave registers, unpublished maps and photographs, documents, newspapers and letters he and his father saved. ” Review by Marie Love, Coastal Courier, August 26, 2012.